Nurses (GPNs)

Healthcare Assistant (HCA) & Supporting Roles

Working in General Practice is a unique experience. Primary care services provide the first point of contact in the healthcare system, acting as the ‘front door’ of the NHS. The roles are varied and many, including a large group of non-registered health care staff with titles inclusive of, but not restricted to, Health Care Assistant, Nursing Assistant, Health Care Support Worker. This booklet is to offer support and guidance to all those working in an unregistered capacity.

There is no standard role specification for Health Care Support Workers (HCSW) working in general practice and the range of tasks varies greatly. This depends on the requirements and preferences of the practice, the PCN, the skill mix, and individual’s experience and competencies. Employers are required to evaluate which tasks they wish the HCSW to undertake and ensure appropriate training is provided. HCSWs are not registered with a professional body and employers are accountable for the actions and omissions of their employees, so it is vital that employers ensure individuals are working within limits of competence.

This booklet can help navigate the different training needs depending on role and level of HCSW as well as provide links to access training and a stepped approach to career development.

To feedback on the above booklet, please email: [email protected]

Nurses (GPNs)

Practice nurses work in GP surgeries where they plan, provide care, treatment and health education to patients of all ages. They are healthcare professionals educated to Master’s Level and have developed the skills and knowledge to allow them to take on expanded roles and scope of practice caring for patients. (HEE)

Student Nursing Associate (Formerly TNA) & Nursing Associate (NA)

Please see PDF for further information and updates on the SNA / NA role.

Advanced Clinical Practitioners

These websites may be useful for more information;

Particularly useful are the competency frameworks for General Practice Advanced Nurses Click Here 

HEE Advanced Clinical Practice Click Here 

General Practice Nursing 10 point plan Click Here 

A joint framework released by the RCGP and HEE provides core capabilities clarity for advanced level nurses in primary care/general practice. The framework can be used by practices to assess competencies and develop career pathways where relevant for Advancing Clinical Practice. View Here

Return to Practice (RTP)

For more information on Return to Practice (RTP) please visit our page here.

Non-Medical Prescribing is an extended role for qualified health professionals. This role enables practitioners to take on larger responsibilities in managing patient care.

HEE Overview for Non-Medical Prescribing

NMP Flowchart – Process for applying to Non- Medical Prescribing course

NM Prescribing

University of the West of England

Nursing & Midwifery Council – Standards for medicine management

NMC Professional Conduct

NMC Revalidation
