Cheshire & Merseyside Training Hub

Our Locality Training Hubs

The Cheshire & Merseyside Training Hub is made up of six Locality Training Hubs to cover the below geographical areas:

  • East & West Cheshire
  • Liverpool
  • The Wirral
  • Sefton, Southport & Formby
  • St Helens, Warrington, Knowsley & Halton

The Hubs work together to form a multidisciplinary team of clinical, managerial and administrative professionals supporting Primary Care Teams and Networks across the patch.

Liverpool Locality Training Hub

Liverpool LocalityTraining Hub is designed to meet the educational needs of the multi-disciplinary primary care workforce across the 10 Liverpool PCNs. We coordinate student nurse placements, support practice colleagues with workforce planning and oversee non-medical student capacity across the Liverpool area. We work collaboratively with the other 5 training hubs across Cheshire & Merseyside. Our aim is to help develop and shape the Primary care workforce by supporting practices to explore new roles and become educational environments for our future workforce.

Sefton Locality Training Hub

Sefton Locality Training Hub is designed to meet the educational needs of the multi-disciplinary primary care team across Sefton. The hub is responsible for the placement of Physical Associate students across Cheshire and Merseyside, and student nurse placements across our patch.

Wirral Locality Training Hub

Wirral Locality Training Hub is 1 of 6 Training Hubs in The Cheshire & Merseyside Primary Care Academy, offering support and educational needs to ‘out of hospital’ care workforce requirements.

The Wirral Hub coordinates student nurse placements across 17 Wirral practices, covering 6 Primary Care Networks. Our mission is to strengthen the future NHS workforce by creating a stronger educational scene in Primary Care. 

Cheshire Locality Training Hub

The Cheshire Locality Training Hub supports the 18 Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and 79 GP practices with workforce planning, specifically focusing on education and training. We also work closely with the integrated care partnerships and other providers to help facilitate the best learning opportunities and outcomes for students and the current workforce. We are especially keen to promote student placement opportunities in Primary and community care. 

Spinney Locality Training Hub

Spinney Locality Training Hub serves all practices across St Helens, Knowsley, Halton and Warrington.  We are aligned to 14 Primary Care Networks within those boroughs.  We oversee non-medical student capacity, support practice and PCN colleagues with workforce planning and supporting new roles and becoming educational environments for our future workforce.

Training Hub & Programme Leads

Trish Atkinson

Cheshire & Merseyside Chief Training Hub Officer and Cheshire Locality Training Hub Lead

Katie Power

Spinney Group Business Manager, Cheshire & Merseyside Chief Training Hub Officer, Spinney Training Hub Director

Hub Managers

Grant Spry

Senior Programme Manager

Jennine Edge

Sunlight Practice Manager & Training Hub Manager

Tricia Vickers

Grosvenor Practice Manager & Training Hub Manager

Rachel Cross

Clinical Lead & Placement Development Lead for Liverpool

Faye Horobin

Cheshire Training Hub Project Manager

Bex Colyer

Wirral Training Hub & Project Manager

Sarah Amin

Sefton Training Hub Manager

Rebecca Stiles

Brownlow Training Hub Manager

Erica Box

Spinney Project & Operations Manager

Placement Development Leads (PDLs)

Heather Glover

Placement Development Lead: East & West Cheshire

Lorraine Hughes

Placement Development Lead: South Cheshire & Vale Royal

Maggi Bradley

Placement Development Lead: South Sefton, Southport & Formby

Deborah Holden

Nursing Associates Programme Lead & Practice Education Facilitator

Louise Smyth

Placement Development Lead: The Wirral

Alison Robson

Placement Development Lead: St Helens, Halton, Knowsley & Warrington

Joanne Scriven

Primary Care Quality & GPN Lead

Shaun Meehan

Placement Development Lead (PA / GP Mentor)

Administrators & Coordinators

Kerry Corscadden

Spinney Administrator

Michelle Boote

South Cheshire & Vale Royal Coordinator

Falan Barton

Cheshire Administrator & Placement Coordinator

Craig Williams

Sefton Placement Coordinator & Administrator

Jess Owen

Project Coordinator

Clarisse James

Project Support Officer

Alex Duckers

Marketing Administrator

Rachel Whitehead

PA to Hub Leads

Tamar Greenall

Spinney Training Hub Coordinator