Health Care Support Worker (HCSW)

Health Care Support Worker

The term healthcare support worker (HCSW) is an umbrella term which covers a variety of health and care support roles, including healthcare assistant (HCA), nursing assistant, and more.
This booklet can help navigate the different training needs depending on role and level of HCSW as well as provide links to access training and a stepped approach to career development.
Find out more about the healthcare support worker programme on NHSE’s website.

First Steps (RCN)

RCN’s popular online learning tool for health care assistants. Whether you’re new to your role, or looking to boost your knowledge, First Steps will give you the skills you need to succeed.

Mapped to a range of National Occupational Standards, First Steps covers the key aspects of assisting nursing practice.

Care Certificate

Health Education England, Skills for Care and Skills for Health have worked together to develop the Care Certificate. The Certificate has been designed to meet the requirements set out in the Cavendish Review.

The e-learning is free to access for health and care professionals. For more information about the e-learning programme, including how to access, visit: