Prevention & Population Health

NHS long term plan

The film below describes how the NHS Long-Term Plan sets out new commitments to strengthen the role and contribution of the NHS workforce in preventive healthcare practice.

It has been designed to be used as a conversation starter between staff and their line managers as well as teams to consider strengthening their prevention role and practice.

The Mission

The public health workforce is defined as those for whom their primary function is working in a public health job or role e.g. a public health practitioner, data analyst or specialist and those that can make a significant contribution to public health but it isn’t their primary role e.g. medical staff, nurses, allied health professionals and specifically, colleagues such as yourselves at the frontline of healthcare delivery – GP’s and General Practice Nurses.

More recently, the NHS Long term Plan 2019 & People Plan 2020 /21 set out the NHS commitment to improving  population health, reducing health inequalities, including key priorities to ensuring the best start in life, delivering world class care for major health problems and helping people to age well.

As healthcare professionals in primary care you have a key role in population health and preventive healthcare practice – including health protection,  e.g. national screening programmes, infectious disease outbreaks) health improvement, (e.g. addressing health behaviours & underlying determinants of health such as poverty, poor education and housing) and healthcare public health,  e.g. organised planning and service design using data / evidence  focused on achieving best possible health outcomes)

Further profession specific support can also be found on your respective professional bodies websites such as the NMC or Royal College of GP’s

Public health workforce development is a shared responsibility of Public Health England (PHE) and Health Education England

The following information has been collated by the  North West Population Health & Prevention Network  – a multi professional network for the health, care and voluntary sector working across the  North west funded by Health Education England.

Population Health Fellowship - Development Opportunity for the Clinical Health Care Workforce

  • Applications are invited for the position of Fellow in Population Health, funded by Health Education England.
  • Nine Fellowships are available across the Northwest region.
  • Fellowships will commence from September 2022, 2 days per week for 1 year, supported by a complementary education programme.
  • Targeted at early to mid-career registered healthcare professionals providing NHS services.

This is an opportunity for NHS clinical staff across the multi-professional team to develop skills in population health. The fellowship targets early to mid-career registered healthcare professionals providing NHS services (AfC band 6 and above, or equivalent; dentists-in-training; doctors-in-training post-FY2 and their SAS equivalent). The aim of the fellowship is to develop a network of clinicians from a non-population health background with population health skills to benefit place-based healthcare systems across England.

It is a 1-year part-time programme at 2 days a week alongside clinical practice. Population Health Fellows will lead on a population health project and will be supported by a blended mostly online and virtual learning programme. For eligibility to apply please read the Rough Guide & Frequently Asked Questions documents before you apply.

About this fellowship

  • Fellows will be recruited by one of nine host organisations – population health projects have been determined by those host organisations.
  • IMPORTANT – please send your application directly to the host organisation and project that you are most interested in – contact details are included on each host organisation application form and can also be found here.
  • Please note: You may submit a maximum of two applications only should you be interested in one or more projects.
  • The host organisation that you apply to will contact you directly regarding your application and interview process.
  • Access to the application form is here –

For any further enquiries regarding the fellowship please contact [email protected] and Good Luck!

Population Health and Prevention Workforce Development – Champs Public Health Collaborative

The vision of workforce development is to maximise public health skills across health, care and public health workforces for the promotion of health improvement and behaviour change in ways that address health inequalities for the Cheshire and Merseyside population. To find out more and discover learning opportunities, please visit here.

Expand your Population Health knowledge with ‘Leading Prevention in Clinical Services – a toolkit approach’

  • Are you a health care professional with the passion and enthusiasm to drive implementation of public health and prevention within your area of work?
  • Do you have an idea that, with support, could deliver quality improvement in public health in your area of practice?
  • Would you like to be recognised for leading public health innovation and driving change in your area of practice?
  • Would you like to join a programme of support that will help develop your idea?

Champs Public Health Collaborative are recruiting health care leaders from clinical settings across Cheshire and Merseyside into a support programme where they can develop population health skills through designing, implementing, testing and evaluating a small-scale health improvement project within their sphere of practice.

Find out more here. 

Webinars & E-Learning

Find below upcoming webinars that look to promote preventative healthcare practice

About the NWPHPN

The NWPHPN is a multi-professional public health network funded by Health Education England. The network supports both the development of those workers who are focused primarily on delivering a core public health function as well as those individuals in the wider health and care workforce where there is a clear opportunity to prevent disease, address health inequalities, promote wellbeing and prolong life.

A quick look at our webinar programme

The 2021 webinar programme is themed around the NHS Long Term Plan and continues to reflect the impacts of COVID-19 as in 2020 in recognition of the impact on existing health inequalities, but the focus has moved forwards in consideration of recovery and restoration opportunity.

Our first in the series of webinars looks at ‘Building Back Fairer – What has COVID 19 Taught Us?’ on 21 September 10.30am – 12.00 noon where we will be discussing the #Marmot 2020 review, reflecting on the scale of the challenges and highlight particular impacts in the North of England.

View the full programme and Eventbrite details on our events page.


These pages will be regularly updated with news and events relevant to your public health practice.

For further information contact [email protected]